
Sunday, September 16, 2012


Flexishaft attachment for drill
This was a gift I received from my brother. It is a flexishaft attachment for a normal drill. Fixing it was a little counter intuitive as I feared that  the entire shaft would rotate. However it fits well into the normal drill and only the bit at the tip rotates.  I fixed it up on to my old drill. However I later plan to fix it on to an old grinding stone motor.

I find this very useful for sanding small curved pieces. The counter sink bit is a real bonus. There are lots of other stone bits. In short a fantastic tool to have. I plan to do some intarsia now that sanding has become quite easy.


  1. looks like you are all set for some Intrasia!!

    I wonder why the sentence got edited?

  2. Yes Kittu. Just waiting to collect the different types of wood/veneer!

  3. Congratulations. Looks like you got a really useful kit there.

  4. Nice!! Am sure will be useful in your toy making. Please share a link as to where it is available. Thanks.

  5. It was purchased in Europe. i am not sure where the exact one was purchased. Amazon has some listings.
